Thursday, January 12, 2012

Liver Pudding

You may be asking yourself, "What is liver pudding?"  Well, it is pudding made from blended cow liver.  Your next question may be, "Who in the world would eat this?"  The answer to that is people from North Carolina.  The last question you may be thinking is, "Who do you know in North Carolina?"  Our new great friends Jeff and Karen!!  *Before I continue with this story, I must add a disclaimer that Karen does not like liver pudding, but Jeff sure does*

Several months ago I met Karen via facebook.  We connected because our families are both adopting through Adoption Angels.  We were already matched with Hunter's birthmom when Karen and I started emailing and chatting about our adoption stories.  We quickly became friends as we got to know each other and would pray for each others adoptions.  They recently were matched with their birthmom "D."  We were overjoyed to hear this wonderful news and know what a great feeling it is.  The time soon came that they were ready to meet with her in person and were making a trip to the great state of Texas.  Noel and I invited them to stay with us for the weekend and they happily took us up on the offer.  So we finally got to meet our friends last weekend.  It was such a blessing to finally meet in person and get to know them more.  They are such a sweet, wonderful, Christian couple with so much love to give.  We had a blast going to dinner with them at Big Lou's- a San Antonio favorite pizza place.  They were able to spend a lot of quality time with their birthmom which makes their bond even more special.  They also got to love on Hunter and get a glimpse of how wonderful parenting a sweet baby will be.  It was such a wonderful visit and we are looking forward to the next time they are here and can stay with us again, but this time with little Caleb!!  Please keep this family and their birthmom "D" in your prayers.  Here are a couple pictures from that weekend:

I feel I should explain the Liver Pudding reference a little more.  Friday night after dinner, we were talking about what our favorite breakfast foods are because Noel was going to make our Saturday morning tradition breakfast.  To our surprise we found out that Jeff loves Liver Pudding for breakfast.  One, I didn't know you could make pudding out of liver, and two I really didn't know that would be a breakfast food.  I know what you are thinking..."mmmmm...where could I get me some good liver puddin'?"  The answer is - go to North Carolina and ask Jeff because I have no idea ;)

Love you Jeff and Karen!!!  Can't wait to see you again, especially with baby Caleb in tow!

1 comment:

  1. hahahaahha! Love it!! We ACTUALLY had some last night with grits and bacon. LOL! Jeff made me take a picture of it so you will be receiving that soon! hahaah Love ya'll! See you in 7.4wks if not before!!! K.
