Today at church we had Hunter's baby dedication. This is similar to a baptism but without the water. This is our promise to Hunter that we will raise him to know and love Jesus to the best of our ability. The church also promises to come along beside us to support and love us. When Hunter is older, he will make the decision to be baptized. This is a moment I have been dreaming about for years. It was great to be able to share this with our family and church family who have been there with us along this long and wonderful journey. We were also able to share this moment with two other precious babies. What a sweet time it was for our family. Afterwards we had a celebration luncheon at our house. It quickly turned into a three ring circus!! We ended up having 22 adults, 11 children, 4 "babies-on-the-way", one dog...and a partridge and pear tree in our house. It was great to have all these very special people in our home. It is just such a testament to the amazing people in our life God has blessed us with. With that said- my head was left spinning between the massive amount of food, fun and laughter of our friends, children running around in circles chasing Charlie, and the all boy wresting ring that was my living room. It was great but boy am I tired!!

Giving our promise to our children
Receiving a blessing and prayer
The "after party"
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