Sunday, September 5, 2010

Before and After- 10/15/09

So here are the before and after pictures of the path we made from the back door to the patio.  I hauled all the stones from the garage to the back yard and Noel laid them to create the path.  We built the patio ourselves two years ago and it was such a long, hard, and grueling process.  Note to self- don't ever build a patio again.

What does this have to do with the adoption you might ask?  Well not much other than it got the stones out of the garage so we can start cleaning that out next.

We got the yard mowed this week too.  It looks so good and I put forth no effort so it was worth every penny.  Since the weeds are still green, it looks like we have a nice lush lawn.  So, I don't mind that there are still tons of small little weeds covering the ground.  I was going to take before pictures of the jungle but it was just too frightening.  As the lawn guy so graciously put it in his thick Brooklyn accent "your yard ain't got no hope, just burn it and start over."  Thanks for advice but I don't think our neighbors would like that.

So, here's to another baby step.

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